📝 Documentation

For as long as I can remember, I've always been the tech support in my family 💻. Honestly, I have to give credit to gaming for starting me off.

Of course, I exist outside of tech. I love doing more than watching, leading more than following. I learn through application and live off logic. In the future, I hope to visit 195 countries 🌍.

🔧 Skills

I'm quite the multi-disciplinary engineer having dabbled in all the fun stuff:

  • ReactReact
  • Node.jsNode.js
  • MongoDBMongoDB
  • FlaskFlask
  • Socket.ioSocket.io
  • Next.jsNext.js
  • NGINXNginx
  • DjangoDjango
  • PrismaPrisma
  • Tailwind CSSTailwind CSS
📌 Currently

I'm a Junior at McMaster University where I'm actively learning all the incredible in's and out's of software design 💻.

Whenever I manage to find time in my engineering schedule, I love joining and contributing in clubs like:

✍🏼 Additionally

Still don't really know me? Here are some fun facts: